Today was my husband's day off, the last one before our girl arrives. We decided to take Shiloh to do some of his favorite things. We started out eating breakfast out and then found a tot lot where Shiloh had a blast running around and playing. He decided it was much more fun to go down the slide backwords and he would clap with glee every time he slid down, too cute. Then he would walk away a little bit and turn around and wave at us. We went for burgers for lunch and Shiloh fell asleep on the way home, tuckered out from his morning adventure. Once he woke from his nap we took him for ice cream at Jaxson's, a phenomenal place. If you are EVER in South Florida you have to check it out, it is a true historical fixture, it's been featured on the Food Network, it has fabulous antiques lining the walls and the only word for the ice cream is COLLOSAL. It is a great experience you can't miss. Check out the website at www.jaxsonsicecream.com. It was a truly great day, filled with fun, laughter, bear hugs and sticky kisses. It was such a special day, I couldn't help but feel a twinge sad knowing that this was our last day, just the three of us, but we're so excited to meet our girl on Wednesday! Stay tuned to meet her!