Last year I posted about some things I was looking at to apply to my 3 year old's "Big Boy Room". At the time we were renting a postage stamp sized apartment and I didn't want to invest very much since I couldn't paint at all. I made some vintage inspired wall art (my sweet boy was wanting "music stuff" at the time) with instruments but didn't make any big changes since I knew we would be moving. I'm sure glad I didn't!!!!! Since moving into our new home my son has informed me that he wants a "blue" room with airplanes and cars. Now, he has no way of remembering this, but his nursery was done in a vintage travel theme but all of those things have been in storage for the last year and a half because we didn't have room for them. PERFECTION! I'll have to paint a few things to make them all work together, but I think it will be a fun room that he'll love. We'll be modifying the color scheme to more primary colors to make things a bit more sharp and crisp. I mentioned in my last post that the ThriftyDecorChick did an amazing job on her son's room with these colors, I hope you got a chance to check it out. Here's a few pictures I'm using as inspiration.

How cute is this little airplane clock from Pottery Barn Kids?!!
The color is perfect too!
Pottery Barn Kids
We have some airplanes and a hot air balloon that will be perfect after a coat of paint. They are in storage in Florida though (UGGH!). We'll have to wait on that one, here's what ours look like at the present.
Here are the ADORABLE airplane sheets we got from KMart:
Too cute right?!
I found this great fabric that I would like to use to make some alternate sheets for him as well:
I LOOOOOVE IT! I might even make my little man some pjs with it as well.
This is the color I'm loving for the walls, a deep, navy blue:
Of course, with wall color that dark, we'll be adding a lot of white to the room. I'll be painting the dresser white, as well as his bookshelf and the curtain panels will be white with red trim. I love this photo!!!!
via decorpad
Adorable room! I love the crisp white curtains with the red trim!
I would also love to do a drum shade chandelier like this one, but in colors that coordinate with his room.
Can't remember where this photo is from, so if you know, leave me a note :)
Last, but not least, I would like to add a touch of geometric fabric to mix it up a bit.
There you have it. That's our somewhat loose plan. Now all I have to do is get to work!